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There are many conditions and problems that can be classified as a physical disability and again, some can be seen, and others are invisible.

Upper limb(s) disability can include an individual’s shoulders, arms, elbows, wrists, hands, and fingers. The neck may also cause pain and discomfort.

Lower limb(s) disability can include hips, knees, ankles, and feet. For some individuals, their physical disability can affect their manual dexterity and the ability to use their hands in a skilful and co-ordinated way. It can also cause difficulty in precise and small movements.

Disabilities can affect the co-ordination with different organs of the body and cause further problems of balance and movement.

Staff supporting physical disabilities will need to be aware of assessing the environment and identifying any hazards that may impact the mobility if using a wheelchair or have other mobility concerns.

Supporting individuals with physical disabilities can be helped by forward planning and having adequate resources when needed.

It is a case of working with the individual to maintain their independence and only support when it is required.