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Autism is a lifelong developmental disability. On its own, autism is not a learning disability or a mental health problem. But some people with autism have an accompanying learning disability, learning difficulty or mental health problem. Autism is a spectrum condition.

Theory of mind refers to the notion that many autistic individuals do not understand that other people have their own plans, thoughts, and points of view. Furthermore, it appears that they have difficulty understanding other people's beliefs, attitudes, and emotions.

Interestingly, people with autism have difficulty comprehending when others do not know something. It is quite common, especially for those with savant abilities, to become upset when asking a question of a person to which the person does not know the answer

People with Autism have difficulties with interpreting and understanding both verbal and non-verbal language like gestures or tone of voice. Many have a very literal understanding of language, and think people always mean exactly what they say, for example someone states ‘it’s raining cats and dogs’ the Autistic person will believe that cats and dogs are falling from the sky. They may also find it difficult to use or understand facial expressions, tone of voice, and jokes and sarcasm.

Some individuals may have very limited speech or may not speak at all. There is difficulty in expressing themselves and they will understand more of what people say to them but, as said, will not be able to reply adequately.

Alternative means of communication benefit individuals with Autism, such as Makaton signing or British Sign Language (BSL) or visual symbols. Communication can be effective without speech and can also be shown through types of behaviour displayed.

People with Autism demonstrate different social interaction styles. These styles can include:

  • Aloof and indifferent – these individuals are the most cut off from social contact. If they do make contact, it is essentially needs led.
  • Passively Accepting – these individuals do not initiate social interaction, but respond appropriately to the social initiatives of others
  • Active but odd – these individuals make spontaneous approaches to others, but in a peculiar, naive, and one-sided way.
  • Stilted and Over Formal – these individuals speech lacks a natural rhythm, normal inflection and can be very stilted and formal.


Individuals with Autism will lack social skills. Having the ability to communicate effectively with others is a core social skill, that Autistic individuals will find difficult.

Disagreements and dissatisfaction can arise in any situation and can cause conflict due to social cues and interactions. Individuals with Autism may be unable to actively listen to what may be said, and unable to show empathy.

Relationship management can be difficult as body language and communication cues can be misinterpreted.

Many autistic individuals experience social isolation. This means they may prefer and enjoy their own company. They may not want to interact or know how to appropriately. They may not understand small talk or other types of social behaviour. They may avoid situations due to past negative experiences of bullying or harassment. They may seem unwelcoming or may not want to interact.

There are ways in which you can support someone with Autism. It is important to give clear instructions. This avoids any misinterpretations and confusion. If there are any changes occurring, advanced warning can help to plan other activities, scenarios, and reduce stress levels. You should agree a place of safety and location before any difficulties or problems arise. And lastly, boundaries in social situations. Boundaries provide a safety and security, and they should be explained in easy and simple terms.

The way sentences and statements are interpreted literally can also cause problems, so it is important to choose your words carefully. Phrases such as ‘pull your socks up’, ‘cat got your tongue’, ‘keep an eye out for him’ and ‘hold your tongue’, to name a few, would all be taken literally.