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There are many types of disabilities. Individuals may have intellectual, physical, sensory and/or mental illness. It must be remembered that with any disability, no two individuals will have the same type of disability and therefore will not have the same experiences.

An intellectual disability can affect an individual around their learning, communication, and abilities in retaining information.

Those with physical disabilities can be either temporary or permanent and can affect the individual’s mobility and physical capacity.

Sensory disabilities can affect all senses. This means their sight, smell, hearing, taste, touch, and spiritual awareness.

Those with mental illness can affect the way individuals behave, think and their emotional state.

Each of these disabilities are individualised. The levels of support can be minimal or, for some, around the clock. For some individuals, their disability can affect their day-to-day living, working life, education, and health.

According to the NHS, in the UK there are over 14.6 million disabled people. 9% of children are disabled, 21% of working-age adults are disabled, and 42% of pension-age adults are disabled.

There are also 11 million people with a limiting long-term illness, impairment, or disability. Impairments are the most commonly reported and these affect individuals’ mobility, lifting or carrying.